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The "IT" List with Julia Rabinowitsch

Welcome to Daily Grail's "IT" List, a column in which we ask those who know to share what's in the know. The seventh edition features the founder of The Millennial Decorator, Julia Rabinowitsch.

A breakdown of Julia Rabinowitsch's "IT List:

  1. The Dorsey James Bezel Sapphire necklace

  2. My Millenial Decorator tote

  3. Maison Buly Baume des Muses in red

  4. The vintage Mini Tank from Cartier

  5. A tortoise headband from C.O. Bigelow

  6. The Tangerine Mini Verawood Massager

  7. A Cartier Baignoire

  8. Red Chanel flats from The Millenial Decorator

  9. A red Big Effing Clip from Emi Jay

  10. The 90's Bag by The Row


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